

 Editor's note: Confirmed by historic documents, archaeological excavations and oracle bone inscriptions as the capital site of the late Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC), Yinxu or the Yin Ruins is usually regarded as the cornerstone of the project on tracing the origins of Chinese civilization launched by China in 2001. As a key component of world civilization, it has provided solid evidence for the continuity and pluralistic and integrated pattern of Chinese civilization, bringing recorded Chinese history nearly 1.000 years earlier than previously believed. Starting on October 25. we are launching a series of videos about Yinxu to help you gain a deeper understanding of it. Here is the third episode: Hou Mu Wu Ding - The Largest Bronze Vessel Excavated in China.



The bronze vessels of Yinxu are the pinnacle of bronze development in China and even in the world. Between 1928 and 1986. archaeologists excavated over 3.560 bronze vessels and weapons at Yinxu. The world-renowned Hou Mu Wu Ding (also known as Si Mu Wu Ding, a sacrificial vessel crafted as a burial tribute), which weighs 875 kg, is not only dignified in form, but also elegant in ornamentation, with complex craftsmanship. lt is the crowning glory of ancient bronze vessels in the world.

殷墟青铜器在中国乃至世界青铜器发展史上都是一个高峰。据统计,1928年至1986年间,仅正式考古发掘出土的青铜礼器、兵器就达3560件以上。 举世闻名的后母戊鼎(又称司母戊鼎),不仅造型庄重威严、纹饰华美典雅、冶铸工艺复杂,更以其875公斤的重量位居世界青铜器之冠。(赵汉青 杨佳欣)


来源 / 大河网

责任编辑 / 戴琰

审核 / 李俊杰 刘晓明

终审 / 平筠


